Monday 21 November 2011

Shooting Schedule

We shall be filming the entirety of our thriller opening at Kristy's house, so we will not need to include time for travel from place to place. We want to film from 2PM onwards so that the very last scenes will be dark so that throughout the opening it will be gradually getting darker, suggesting the danger the stalker poses, not just the time of day. To achieve this, we will need to record in almost the exact same order that the story plays out, besides parts where the camera will need to remain in the same place in another shot, for example on page two of the story board, shots nine and thirteen where we see the shower head switch on and off, and also on page four, shots twenty three and twenty five. We shall be continuously filming until perhaps 5PM to have a break and allow it to become slightly darker. However, we also want to film the parts where the stalker is preparing his book and to also be using the computer, so that the room is completely dark except for the single light emanating from his screen. Finally, we will film the shots of both the stalker and the girl walking down the stairs and out of their doors.

We plan to start shooting at 2PM on Sunday the 20th of November; we will try to shoot the entirety of the shots on this date, but may possibly need extra time.

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