The song used throughout the trailer is 'Standing In The Way of Control by Gossip'. The lyrics themselves describe the way in which these teenagers will rebell against anyone who stands in their way, hinting to a stereotypical view of a teenager who does what they want and has little respect for others. The lyrics even explain feelings teens are likely to have in a party situation like this where you're 'forgetting who you are', doing stupid things because you can't think properly due to drugs and alchohol, and although what you've done seems stupid afterwards, you're young and carefree so 'you do it all again'.
The music has a faced paced bassline which mirrors the fast cuts between scenes and the actions of the teenagers.
There are 78 cuts between scenes in this 60 seconds of footage! The high amount of cuts help to give the trailer a greater sense of pace, excitement and help to generally keep you focused on what's happening - there is no time to get bored and look away, there are always several things going on at one time and you are fixated on it whether you are interested in the programme or not, the way in which it only gives you a second or less to figure out what is going on in each shot means that it has your undivided attention due to the fact that being human we want to know what is going on.
The pace is a factor which contibutes to displaying the teenagers as wild, unruly, loud, dangerous, violent, unthoughtful and out of control.
I think that the fast pace could also be suggesting the quick thinking of the teenaers minds or actions due to drugs.
Camera shots
The way in which the camera shots are quick and diorientated, without a proffessional controlled quality makes it seem as if it has been filmed using a hand-held camera by someone at the party. As we view it through the eyes of someone at the party and get quite detailed shots of everything that is going on, we as the audience feel personally involved and as if we are actually there. This increases our desirability to be there at the party and in turn watch the show to continue the excitement.
Lighting: is used throughout the clip to give focus to certain points within the frame. As it is a night-time party, there isn't any natural light. So artificial lighting such as spot lights have been used to give focus to the most important parts in each scene. This is effective as we can still tell that it is night as there are parts within each scene that are clearly dark, however we can clearly see what is going on and are given a point to focus on through the use of spot-lighting.

Here the lighting has almost produced a vignette around Michelle which is surrounding and framing her, showing that she is the main focus
Here the light is focused between these two people's faces so that our eyes are directed at the kiss
The only subject that we can clearly see here is Tony due to the light that has been projected on him. This keeps us focused on him rather than the dark background.
We can clearly tell here that a light is being projected on him because we can clearly see the dark shadow behind that his figure is making
The lighting here focuses on the people in the foreground and the NOS they are inhaling, showing us what exactly is going on at this party and symbolising as fun to us as the audience
The lighting is focusing on Cassie in the foreground and her actions/emotions which are likely to have been caused by the consumption of drugs
There is a flash of light where the whole scene is illuminated, this is to symbolise the high-point of the party
After the flash of light, there are quite a few dark scenes where not much is visible to symbolise that the party can only go downhill from here and what is happening is actually pretty dark and awful

The scenes after have a lot more darkness and shadow to them, hinting to the darkness of the night and the teens actions as time goes on.
Compared to the earlier kissing scene, we are not shown as clearly who these two people are, suggesting that maybe they don't know who they are due to drugs etc, and there is much more shadowing across their faces to show the dark reality of what they are doing.
Props: that are used here such as a child's tricycle, water guns, foam, 3D glasses, drugs, bear costume, glow sticks, squirty cream and make-up, enhance the excitement of the party as these are all things that you symbolise with fun.
A lot of child's toys are used in the clip. Childhood and child's toys are something that we generally associate with a carefree time full of fun, the use of these props helps to show the child-like fun which we expect these characters are having and to also portray them as children themselves. By subtly making them seem like children, it is portraying them as immature, silly and stupid.
A lot of child's toys are used in the clip. Childhood and child's toys are something that we generally associate with a carefree time full of fun, the use of these props helps to show the child-like fun which we expect these characters are having and to also portray them as children themselves. By subtly making them seem like children, it is portraying them as immature, silly and stupid.
Costumes: are very minimal, in the sense that everyone is hardly wearing anything! Most of the cast are in little more than their underwear which appeals to us as the audience seeing someone attractive being quite revealing and we want to continue to watch.
It also portrays the teens quite negatively as people who do what they want and don't care what people think of them, possibly disrespectful whores or sex maniacs.
Location: of the trailer is someone's typical house with photos on the wall that become slanted, vases that become smashed, sofas that become pulled apart and thrown, baths that get laid in, beds that get jumped on and toilets that people throw up into. This setting is one that we can relate to as we see something very similar everyday in our own houses, which gives a connection between us and the cast, making us feel they understand us and we have a connection with them; we want to watch on.
Of corse the obvious use of the house is to symbolise that it is a house party!
The fact that we see so many things being destroyed shows the teens as having a lack of respect with no care, being violent, dangerous and off their heads - this is not something we would typically expect people to do. We can also sympathise with the person who is having their house destroyed, as having one of our own, we wouldn't want that to happen to it!
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