Wednesday 28 December 2011

Shot List

1. a tracking shot while zooming out, showing a close up of the centre of the clock face to start with and then the doorway to the left of it and Hannah on the sofa in the room behind the door way looking at her phone.
2. Hannah's perspective shot looking back in the direction we just filmed from at the phone which we saw Hannah looking at in the last shot, a picture of a boy about her age is on the screen.
3. Reaction shot showing Hannah looking at the phone smiling at what is on the screen, mid shot showing her curled up sitting on the sofa.
4. Low angled shot showing only Hannah's feet walking out of the door and up the stairs.
5. Angled upward shot straight on to the stairs showing Hannah climbing the stairs.
6. Low angled shot from the top of the banister showing Hannah's feet reach to top of the stairs and walk out of shot onto the landing.
7. Close up straight on shot of computer screen showing stalker scrolling down a friends list and clicking on Hannah's profile.
8. Close up slightly angled up shot showing the shower head turn on.
9. Low angled shot showing Hannah's feet step into the shower and close the door.
10. Steemy cubicle shot possibly whole shillouett if cubicle is steamy enough, but only feet is not.
11. Straigh on close up showing computerscreen and stalker on Hannah's profile page clicking on her profile picture showing Hannah and a friend (possibly finish with a zoom into hannah.)
12. Close up slightly angled upward shot of shower head turning off.
13. Close up low angled tracking shot of Hannah's feet stepping out of the shower wrapping a towel around her, walking to the door and dropping the towel just before she steps out of the door.
14. close up straight on shot of computer screen showing stalker highlight and copy Hannah's details from her profile.
15. Low angled close up of Hannah's feet as she puts on her tights.
16. extreme close up on screen showing the stalker paste in Hannah's details, zoom in to her house (possibly include street view.)
17. Birds eye view shot of Hannah walking across the bedroom, (if not possible just a simple mid tracking shot.)
18. Extreme close up showing just Hannah's eye as she applies mascara, slowly zoom out to show that she's looking in a mirror and there is a slightly open door behind her.
19. extreme close up high angle shot showing the stalkers hand as he writes down her address.
20. Mid close up showing Hannah's face in the mirror with the slightly open door behind her as she applies blusher.
21. Mid close up angled down shot showing the stalkers hands cutting out Hannah's picture. zoom out to show the book on the desk.
22. mid close up angled down shot showing stalkers hand sticking down the photo (possibly stroking it)
23. Straight on close up showing Hannah as she zips up her dress.
24. Mid close up angled down towards the book as the stalker flicks through it showing all his past victims.
25. Low angled close up showing Hannah's feet as she steps into her shoes (high heeled)
26. Close up angled down still showing stalker flicking through his book, (to show the extent of his killing)
27. Close up angled down shot showing Hannah painting her nails and her nocking the bottle over on her picture, (same picture as the one he stuck down in his book)
28. close up angled down shot showing Hannah's picture in the book and the stalkers hands circling it in red pen.
29. Extreme close up showing same photo but in Hannah's room with the red nail varnish spreading across it.
30. wide angled shot showing the spilt nail varnish and Hannah's feet as she walks out of the room.
31. Angled up shot of Hannah's feet walking down the stairs (now in heels)
32. Wide shot side on of stalkers feet walking down the stairs (big heavy boots)
33. Mid shot showing Hannah opening the door (in dress)
34. Mid shot showing stalker close the door (in big coat)
(Written By Beth)

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